Wednesday, May 31, 2006

The antipodal point revisited

Listening to Bon Jovi's 'Welcome to Wherever You Are' the other day on the way home from work really got me thinking. This is such a great song and very motivational especially this bit in the lyrics:

'When you want to give up and your heart's about to break
Remember that you're perfect; God makes no mistakes'

I won't put up the rest of the lyrics here. Just google if interested but very inspirational words nonetheless.


Anonymous said...

Rock on!

azer said...


Anonymous said...

let's rock ali's head......

nypd said...

sounds inspirational :) will limewire the song hahaha.... anyway, this was my old blog template!!!

mimi c",) said...

antipody, you are in my game list... :P

Anonymous said...

lets rock tut tut's head lar...err..what game list u talking bout mimi??btw, that 'anonymous' is ur teammate for team building mimi..
nypd, oklah oklah I change the temmplate lah!! sigh..that oso want to announce ... :P

nypd said...

haha u can use it la... nice wat this template...thats y i used to use it hehehe....not bad ar ur taste hihihihi

Anonymous said...

my teammate? roommate?