Monday, April 02, 2007

Tagged: Six Wierd Things About Moi

Been tagged by Steph awhile back on her post, so I guess I should take up on it to be sporting. Haha.. Well, here goes:

  1. I don't think I'm wierd (does that count??)
  2. I go mental (slightly -ask my colleagues, they'll know) after 6pm at the office (but then again, who doesn't?? right??.... right??)
  3. I am sooooo into photography and I have named my dSLR and I almost....almost take it everywhere I go.. :D
  4. Oh and along the lines of #4 above, something non-camera related that cost a 3 digit number would really make me question its purchase but something camera related that costs 4 digit or more would not.
  5. I do not eat egg yolk however the egg is cooked and even dishes with garnishes for eg. porridge I will separate the 'extra' bits and eat the rice plainly first.
  6. Somebody needs to help me with this last one ... :D

Hmmm... can't really think of anyone to tag because the rest that I know that have not been tagged and have a blog are highly unlikely to follow through. So, if anybody wants me to tag them, lemme know .. :)

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