Thursday, December 08, 2005

Semantics of Hypocrisy

I am tired of people accusing others of hypocrisy. I see it everywhere I go and it makes me wonder to people actually semantically digest and comprehend its meaning before simply using it as a form of accusation?? I wonder indeed..Below is a direct quote from Websters dictionary for the term ‘hypocrite’

  1. a person who pretends to have virtues, moral or religious beliefs, principles, etc., that he or she does not actually possess, esp. a person whose actions belie stated beliefs.
  2. a person who feigns some desirable or publicly approved attitude, esp. one whose private life, opinions, or statements belie his or her public statements.
There is a lot of articles out there in the web, and from what is understood and what I would like to think, a hypocrite is someone who publicly applies (or tries to) a certain standard he has set upon himself but fails to meet this standard AND DENIES or HIDES the fact that he has. Many people sadly throw accusations based solely on a person’s FAILURE to apply that certain standard to which he has set for himself, however my feeling is that all the above constituents need to come into play before the accusation is made. However, the semantics of hypocrisy can be argued days on end as what has been defined above is termed as an honest hypocrite in other views. But let us ponder on the following:

'L'hypocrisie est un hommage que le vice rend a la vertu..'(Hypocrisy is an homage that vice renders to virtue)
~François, Duc De La Rochefoucauld,
Maximes, 1678

I mean even in debates, if one side lays this accusation the other really becomes defensive about it. People get hurt by such accusations. Its because we all have our egos that we treat it is as a major malevolance.

'Because hypocrisy stinks in the nostrils one is likely to rate it as a more powerful agent for destruction than it is.'
~Rebecca West, The Strange Necessity, 1928

In any case, peace out people. I leave you with a quote from an article titled 'The Self and Lazy Charge of Hypocrisy' by Thomas M. Siphos:

Hypocrasy is not nice. But it is not genocide, murder, or rape. Nor even turnstile jumping. On a scale of evils, it's a petty offense. Most everyone commits hypocrisy at one time or another, just as most everyone speeds on a highway. Speeding endangers more lives, yet hypocrisy upsets more people. Go figure


ds said...


what was the name of the songs from Natalie that you mentioned last night?

azer said...

Its Natalie's "Going Crazy"..

ds said...

checked. don't have that song..