Monday, September 18, 2006

Road Culture

What's up with the friggin' psychology of drivers in Malaysia. I mean wherever you go people keep changing lanes without freakin' using the bloody signal! I've experienced this for quite a while now but its just damn bloody annoying. Someone told me that this whole thing is a reverse psychology for those drivers whom when you do give a signal, they would step the pedal to the metal...ok ok...maybe thats a tad over-exaggerating but they do accelerate and stop you from changing lanes. Anyway, back to the first point. Whats really annoying about people not giving signals is when they change lanes suddenly and there is not much room between you and the front car which results in you having to break like crazy. Jeez, are we that much in a hurry that we forget common courtesy? Heck, didn't we even learn that (using signals when changing lanes) when we were taking our driving exams? C'mon people, I don't think its too much of an effort to flick your finger and hit the signal indicator knob. Else you would be on the receiving end of the middle finger...or worst yet, you might lose your rear bumper!


nypd said...

yeah i agree with u antipody... wat i would normally do is i wont give way to those who do not give signal...and to those queue jumpers...dream la if u wanna cut q....i would fight till the end not to let u in hahaha....

小頑童@nottyboy said...

hell!! i hate kl n johor drivers too!! they oni know how to drive the car, but not obeying the rules! they are a bunch of ***!!

azer said...

haha..ya guys. Glad people share the same feelings..sometimes i think the "kiasu-ness" has infected the drivers here, horr... (err...but you both sound kinda garanglah :P)

nypd said...

nottyboy, i would think that penang n ipoh drivers are worse ;)

小頑童@nottyboy said...

so far i am quite ok with ipoh drivers, penang i havent really drive there too, for me drivers that are stupid make me furious!! just happen i have lots of experience with johorean n klangvalley drivers...

Anonymous said...

i always get frustrated when driving, met those rude people. cut lane, no giving signal, drive car lack of concentrate, drive too slowly coz talking on the phone, motorbike who blocked my way, etc.... i hate ppl driving motorbike blocked my front way...

I found out something interesting, always i want to cut lane, thought i give signal or what, if the car driver is a girl/lady/old woman, they won't let you in and will speed the car, but if the driver is a guy or man, mostly they let you in..... i dunno why also... some girl if they let you in, they will make an angry face which you can see throught ur back mirror. well, after that she will cut ur lane and pass over you, sometimes if i have chances, i will cut her again, this happens many times when i drive to work.... some sort of competition huh :P FUN...

I hate ppl who honned me once they are lose, or my car has successfully cut their lane with giving signal and proper time. these ppl are kiasu. If i never wrong, i will HON them back LOUDLY and longer sounds. If they hon me 2nd times, i will hon them 3rd times, 4th times, etc......

if they still inmanner, show them 3rd middle finger, they will get mad hahaha..... this never happen to me, but happen to my sister.

Anonymous said...

i think Ipoh drivers are more patience. coz as i know their traffic light is damn slow..... turn green fast, turn red slow till u will get mad... i personally is a impatient girl, so i will get mad if i stay there haha...

Muar drivers funny. they can suddenly stop in the middle road and talk to the phone or stop there and talk to people passing the road... never care other cars at their back... but their police very smart, dun look down at the small village, once you speed a bit, you will get saman after few months later.. u might get shock!!

Penang drivers, more scary.... esp George Town... if you have been in Philipines, then you will know what i meant....

小頑童@nottyboy said...

hahaha seems like mimi is one of the reckless driver... u are one of them!! hahahaha